
This is a blog of exploration.

I have begun this journey to pursue that life long dream of so many, to write. I have teetered on the edge of starting to write for most of my adult life, never daring to put pen to paper. As an avid reader I am my own worst critic, usually swiftly deleting any work created.
But though I am not old, nor am I getting any younger, so the time has at last come to start.

I intend to write free form, not purposefully fitting in to any set genre of writing. Having said this I suppose you could expect some pieces on ethics and world issues from my own stand point. Usually leaving more questions than answers, as who am I to solve the world's problems when I have a comfortable enough life to be writing a blog? I harbour no belief that I have the right answers, but for the purposes of each piece I will give up my two cents.

And well, that's about it I suppose, my aim is purely to find my own writing style by writing pieces close to my heart. That I can engage with and be passionate about. If, by some miracle, you find an alignment with any piece then that would be fantastic.

Thank you for your time, I wish you the very best of days.

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